
What Law Firms Are Loving About Tabs3 Cloud

by Bruce Policky / February 23, 2024

What Law Firms Are Loving About Tabs3 Cloud
In an increasingly digital world, legal professionals are finding enormous value in cloud-based solutions for their billing and accounting software.

The transition to the cloud is more than a mere trend; it’s a significant shift that helps enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and increase collaboration.

From tracking time to staying on top of vendor payments, law firms benefit when they rely on software solutions built for the legal industry that can meet the specific needs of attorneys. This is where Tabs3 Cloud shines.

What Is Tabs3 Cloud?

Financial and billing activities are among law firms’ most important operational activities. That’s why firms need specialized tools that are robust, flexible, and user-friendly.

Tabs3 Cloud offers a secure, integrated suite of powerful, customizable financial and billing tools that support financially healthy law practices.

Billing features

  • Track billable hours with stopwatch timers and convert into fees with a single click
  • Nearly unlimited billing rate flexibility
  • Review client and matter information, including write-offs, work in process, accounts receivable, and more
  • Create and send invoices
  • Batch billing

Financial features

  • Manage trust accounts
  • Oversee accounts payable and general ledger, including vendor invoices, payments, advanced client costs, and transaction status
  • Build and run robust reports

As part of the Tabs3 line of software, Tabs3 Cloud includes Tabs3Pay to facilitate timely online payments. This integration allows law firms to maintain a strong cash flow while giving clients the convenience they want.

Seven reasons why law firms love using Tabs3 Cloud

Tabs3 Cloud software joins the list of Tabs3 Software solutions that tens of thousands of legal professionals use every day. Let’s look at the features of Tabs3 Cloud and see how it makes running a profitable law firm more manageable than ever.

     1. Reliable billing and financial management

Tabs3 Cloud’s full-featured Tabs3 Billing and Financials products are tailored specifically for law firms. They integrate seamlessly together to reduce time spent entering data and managing billing and accounting functions. Unlimited billing rates, electronic invoicing, and detailed reporting options help streamline work and save firms hours of time each month.

With the ability to access these tools and information to do work from nearly anywhere, law firms can now handle their financial operations with greater ease and accuracy. This flexibility to access accurate and up-to-date data is crucial.

     2. Financial and billing custom-tailored to law firms

Size, geographical location, clientele, practice areas… there are many differences between law firms. Yet some software solutions expect legal professionals to shoehorn their needs into products that aren’t made for the legal industry, or products that aren’t versatile. Tabs3 was built specifically for law firms and has user flexibility at the heart of all their products. This means that firms with specialized needs can use the software in the way that works best for them.

With Tabs3 products, including Tabs3 Cloud, legal practices have one-click access to the tasks they do most often, and tools to send invoices and get paid faster.

     3. Expanded options for access

When law firms rely on server-based software, they commit to the IT costs of managing the software, servers, and any issues that may arise. This model works well for many law firms, but like most consumers, firms want to have options.

Tabs3 Cloud allows law firms to integrate cloud-based software into their tech stack. For firms that don’t have IT support readily available or don’t want to manage their own server, a cloud solution is the perfect option.

     4. Top-notch data privacy and security

Client confidentiality and data security are of the utmost importance. That’s why Tabs3 Cloud is committed to data privacy and security.

The software incorporates advanced security measures, including:

  • Data encryption to secure sensitive information
  • Role-based access control that helps firms manage data access based on user roles
  • Two-factor authentication that adds an extra security layer against unauthorized access
  • Regular security audits to continuously assesses and enhances security measures
  • PCI DSS compliance to adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
  • SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance to meet high standards for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and customer data privacy

These features protect sensitive client information and firm data against unauthorized access and breaches. Tabs3 Cloud’s adherence to rigorous security standards and regular audits exemplifies its dedication to safeguarding the digital integrity of legal practices.

     5. Automated data backups = reduced IT struggles

Tabs3 Cloud significantly alleviates IT-related stress by automating the process of data back-ups.

Automated backups ensure that all critical firm data is consistently backed up without requiring manual intervention. This automation means fewer IT struggles and minimal downtime for law firms and, importantly, provides much-needed peace of mind for both attorneys and their clients in today’s environment of rising cyber threats.

     6. Real-time collaboration and communication

Tabs3 Cloud enhances team dynamics by facilitating real-time collaboration and communication.

This feature allows legal teams to work together more effectively, regardless of their physical location. By providing a platform where financial and billing information can be shared, edited, and discussed in real-time, Tabs3 Cloud ensures that all team members are on the same page, leading to increased efficiency and better-coordinated efforts.

This collaborative environment is crucial for modern law firms where prompt teamwork can significantly impact client satisfaction and operational efficiency.

     7. Industry-leading customer support

Tabs3 Cloud distinguishes itself with its exceptional support team. Because we understand the importance of timely and effective assistance, we provide users with access to experienced, professional U.S.-based customer service.

This support is not just about addressing technical issues; it extends to helping firms maximize Tabs3 Cloud features and creating tailored billing and financial solutions. High customer satisfaction ratings reflect our commitment to ensuring law firms have a positive experience.

Transform your law firm’s billing and financial operations with Tabs3 Cloud

Get the flexible, customized billing and financial solutions your law firm needs to achieve its goals. Tabs3 Cloud combines the reliable software you trust with the accessibility of cloud-based functionalities.

Sign up for a free trial or demo today and experience firsthand how Tabs3 Cloud can streamline your operations, enhance collaboration, and safeguard your data.